Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jakes Field Trip

Jake and his 2nd grade class at Trinitas took a field trip this week to the Langley Bell 4-H Club in Pensacola.  What an amazing trip!  They learned about all of the organisms and animals that live in the ponds in the local area.  Things like tadpoles, frogs, shrimp, crickets and Jake's personal favorite: "gooey egg larvae".
Other interesting nature facts included discussions on the life of a tree, how cotton is grown and harvested, a walk through the corn stalks, and the intricacies of the bee colonies.  The staff and volunteers at the center did an excellent job.  I think Cindy actually had more fun than Jake.
For those of you who wonder what 4-H clubs do; it is a non-formal, practical education program for kids that focus on such projects as gardening, woodworking, small animals, food and nutrition, livestock, photography etc.  The 4 H's are "Head, Heart, Hands and Health"  Their overall mission is to develop competent, caring and contributing citizens to the world.   

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