Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all of our family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrated this Thanksgiving at the Kagan's beautiful home in Soundside. The weather was a gorgeous 70 deg. with clear skies and a spectacular sunset on the water. Bailey and Jake got to play football with their cousins and Owen enjoyed playing in the water and knocking around golf balls.
Thanksgiving has given us the chance to reflect on the things that are truly meaningful to our family. Our 3 beautiful and healthy boys, a great job that I enjoy doing and friends and family. We have truly been blessed with so many gifts. We tend to lose sight of the important things with all the stresses of everyday life. Between school, sports, household chores and trying to keep up with Owen, the days just seem to fly by. We should all strive to make thanksgiving not just a day, but a way of life.

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