Saturday, February 14, 2009

Home Schooling for Bailey & Jake

Next week will be the beginning of home schooling for Bailey and Jacob.  We have decided to withdraw the boys from Trinitas Christian due to the current economic situation (and our personal financial situation) in order to cut expenses.  While we are sad to be leaving the excellent academic curriculum that Trinitas provided, we are also excited to be able to take a more active role in our children's education.  This is a tremendous challenge for Cindy personally, since she will be responsible
 for the majority of their teaching.  She has been doing an awesome job with Jake for the past 3 months, assisting him in the transition to Trinitas, (where he was doing excellent.)  Cindy will be incorporating the same general curriculum that the boys were exposed to at Trinitas.  Math, science, bible, history, art, grammar, spelling and reading.  I will be helping with the math portion for Bailey and Jake as needed.  Please keep Cindy and the kids in your prayers as they tackle this huge ende

Some of you are probably wondering, "Why not send the kids to public school?" We allowed Bailey to shadow our neighbor for one day at the local middle school.  We all were not very impressed with the entire ordeal.  You have probably noticed recently that the government is not that adept at running anything, i.e. Social Security, Welfare, VA, etc.  The top of that list is our failing public education system.  People keep wondering how to fix it.  There is no fixing it at this point.  The entire system has no foundation to fall back on and needs to be scrapped and start over.  No chance of that for the next 4 years.  So homeschooling it is.  the artwork I posted is from Bailey and Jake while they were at Trinitas.  Pretty impressive.  Enjoy.

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