Sunday, January 25, 2009

Owen's Birthday

  I have to apologize for not posting anything for Owen's 2nd birthday.  January has been a busy month for birthday's.  So while we are on that topic, we would like to also wish a Happy Birthday to Uncle Shawn (23rd of Jan.) and Aunt Julie (26th of Jan.)  It has only taken me 39 years to finally keep those straight.  
We had a combined dinner for Jake and Owen with Grandma and Grandpa Bell to celebrate Jake turning 8 and Owen turning 2.  Owen also had a little party at his school with all of his friends to celebrate his big day.  As you can see from the pictures, cookies are a big hit with Little O.  
While we are on the topic of Owen, a little update on all the things that he has been doing.  The biggest change has been his transition from the crib to the "big bed" (and no, not Mommy & Daddy's)  Owen has his own mattress on the floor in his room.  He has been sleeping great in his new surroundings.  Fortunately, he has not figured out how to open doors yet, so even if he does get up he usually gets tired of trying to get out and just climbs back in his bed.  
Owen has discovered a new snack.  Cindy recently purchased a large box of Ding Dongs for the boy's school lunches.  (Healthy snacks, we know)  Owen has grown extremely fond of these little morsels.  He lovingly refers to them as "cake".  (pronounced "take" in 2 year old talk).  If you ask him if he wants cake, the response goes something like this, "Yeah, take!"  


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