Sunday, January 25, 2009

Owen's Birthday

  I have to apologize for not posting anything for Owen's 2nd birthday.  January has been a busy month for birthday's.  So while we are on that topic, we would like to also wish a Happy Birthday to Uncle Shawn (23rd of Jan.) and Aunt Julie (26th of Jan.)  It has only taken me 39 years to finally keep those straight.  
We had a combined dinner for Jake and Owen with Grandma and Grandpa Bell to celebrate Jake turning 8 and Owen turning 2.  Owen also had a little party at his school with all of his friends to celebrate his big day.  As you can see from the pictures, cookies are a big hit with Little O.  
While we are on the topic of Owen, a little update on all the things that he has been doing.  The biggest change has been his transition from the crib to the "big bed" (and no, not Mommy & Daddy's)  Owen has his own mattress on the floor in his room.  He has been sleeping great in his new surroundings.  Fortunately, he has not figured out how to open doors yet, so even if he does get up he usually gets tired of trying to get out and just climbs back in his bed.  
Owen has discovered a new snack.  Cindy recently purchased a large box of Ding Dongs for the boy's school lunches.  (Healthy snacks, we know)  Owen has grown extremely fond of these little morsels.  He lovingly refers to them as "cake".  (pronounced "take" in 2 year old talk).  If you ask him if he wants cake, the response goes something like this, "Yeah, take!"  


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bailey's First Golf Tourney

           As most of you know, Bailey has been relentlessly pursuing the sport of golf for the past 8 months. We learned at an early age that Bailey will find something he likes and focus on it to the point of being compulsive. In his early years it was dinosaurs. He would walk around the house roaring like a dinosaur and played with his dinosaur toys non-stop. Next it was trains and his Thomas the train tracks. I probably have at least a thousand dollars in wooden train tracks and trains. Bailey would build track designs for hours on end that would cover the entire living room floor.
          With sports he has been just as focused. From shooting basketballs into the night to playing soccer everyday after school. Golf has now become his new focus. Between the Golf Channel, Golf Digest and Internet sites, he has become immersed in all things golf. We just  
recently signed him up for the U.S. Kids Golf and their Auburn, Alabama Winter Tour. Last weekend was his first tournament at Auburn University Club at Yarborough Farms.

           For his first tournament Bailey played awesome. From tee to green he played great. Putting was his weak link this round. He shot a 113 for the round that easily could have been under 100. He is practicing feverishly for his next tournament on 24 January at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail Grand National Links course in Opelika, Ala. Bailey is really excited about these tournaments and playing great.

Jakes Special Day

Happy Birthday to our middle son, Jacob Bryson! It's hard to believe that 8 years ago today Cindy was in labor at Pensacola Naval Hospital. One of the funniest things I remember about that day was Cindy being extremely worried that being a three day weekend, theanesthesiologist would be a brand new doctor. God answered her prayers though and the Navy's senior anesthesiologist just happened to be on duty. As this poor Navy Captain is trying to tactfully discuss the different "pain management" options available, my wife looks him straight in the eye and says, " Oh, I want drugs, lots of drugs."
Jake has had a great birthday. The day started off with his favorite breakfast, french toast and bacon. Cindy had the kitchen decorated with the number "8" to celebrate the big day. Jake got to celebrate at school with Krispy Kreme doughnuts for all his classmates and lunch with mommy who brought his favorite sandwich, Subway ham and cheese. Grandma and Grandpa Pritchard sent balloons (a big hit with Owen) and Grandma and Grandpa Bell a lunch box and some cold cash. To cap off the evening we let Jake pick his favorite dinner, pizza. It has been an interesting 8 years to say the least with our little Jake. One thing is certain though, he never fails to keep us smiling with his witty comments and sparkling personality. Just when I think that Jake has succeeded in pushing Cindy over the edge, he'll come up with something and all she can do is laugh. Happy Birthday son! We love you!!

New Year's at the Lake

Here are the pictures from our New Years week in Greenwood, SC. It was a well needed relaxing week at Grandma and Grandpa's lake house. We truly had a great time just relaxing with the family and appreciate Grandpa John and Grandma Pritchard making it such a wonderful break. Looking forward to more family time in the near future. Thanks