Tuesday, December 23, 2008

School Pictures

School pictures have arrived.  I am still at a loss as to where Owen gets the red hair.  He is definitely the odd man out of the three.  We are very proud of Bailey and Jake for their hard work and impressive accomplishments at their new school.  Owen has taken a leave of absence from his pre-school due to a multitude of double ear infections over the past 6 weeks.  Understandably, Mommy is tired of taking care of a sick baby every other week.  I can't blame her.  The boys are excite about Christmas and looking forward to another week off from the rigors of school.  I'll be posting videos of Christmas morning so even though the family is not together, you'll be able to share some of the memories.  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Cookies

What would Christmas be without cookies?  A little tradition in the Pritchard household has developed over the years with Cindy and Jake.  A couple of days before Christmas, Cindy and Jake make those fabulous cookies with sprinkles and other delicious decorations.  This has become a special time for mother and son to bond.  Jake has always been interested in cooking and getting involved with all the preparation.  The tough part is keeping me away from the cookies long enough to have an ample supply to leave for Santa on Christmas Eve.  Cindy and Jake have once again baked a delicious batch of sprinkle cookies.  Santa will be pleased.

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

Today was our annual photo shoot to find a suitable picture for our Christmas card to family and friends.  This has always been an adventure in trying to get 5 people to look at the camera and smile at the same time.  Even more trying is attempting to get Owen just to look at the camera at the exact moment the timer expires on the auto shoot feature.  The slideshow above goes through all the attempts today to get the photo that is "just right".  Enjoy.

Scott, Cindy, Bailey, Jake & Owen  

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tree Selection & Decoration

One of the most exciting events of the Christmas holiday for our family has been picking out the perfect tree.  Typically we go the first weekend in December to the local Optimist Club who has a fine selection of trees for a good price.  Over the years as the boys have gotten older the actual selection process has become slightly more difficult.  This is due in part to Bailey and Jake each having rather strong convictions as to which tree will look the best in our living room.  This year the boys picked out a fine tree.  Owen seems to like anything his older two brothers pick out.  
Once home, the decorating begins.  My job is to hang the lights, wrap the tinsel and then sit back and watch the kids hang the ornaments.  This was really Owen's first year to be included in the tree decorating.  Nothing like small, breakable objects to get his attention; at least for a few minutes.    After that, back to climbing on furniture and tossing ornaments at the tree.  This is easily one of mine and Cindy's more cherished holiday family time.  

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa John!

Today Grandpa John is celebrating his 60 something birthday. We'll keep the specific number classifed to protect the innocent. It should not be too long though before Grandpa John starts getting close to actually shooting his age on the links, at least for the front nine!
All kidding aside, we all want to wish you a special day and thank you for being a great Dad and even better Grandpa. Bailey, Jake, Owen, Cindy and I love you and look forward to celebrating many more birthday's! Enjoy your day!